An early Merry Christmas from our family to yours! As we anticipate the birth of our first child, we can't help but imagine Mary and Joseph and the anticipation for the Prince of Peace. Or riding on a donkey while pregnant... ouch! We are also confined to Austin and missing our wonderful families. Know we love you and miss sharing this joyous time of year with you.
Sorry I haven't posted in weeks. Finishing up school, the holiday season, and being pregnant I think we have just been barely surviving. Then our toilette flooded and our house turned into a drying machine zone for five days. But praise the Lord, they dried out and we don't have to have them replaced!
Pregnancy Highlights for the Week:
How Far Along: 39 weeks
Fruit/Veggie: Baby is now the weight of a mini watermelon ( looks like a full size watermelon to me)
Size: a little over 7 pounds and about 20 inches long, so says the pregnancy books... the Dr. says closer to 8 or 9 lbs....
Baby Changes: Baby continues to build a layer of fat to help control his/her body temperature after birth, but it's likely he/she already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath. Baby Becker is developed and ready to come visit the world outside the womb.
Best Moment this week: My class had a diapers and doughnuts celebration for me and it was super sweet and fun to get to share this with them. School is finished, who hoo!! I can't tell you what an accomplishment this is!
We celebrated 2 years of marriage on the 20th. I so love Keith, and am very blessed with such a God fearing man. I can't wait to see him be a daddy!
And all the blowers are out of our house and there is peace again!
Gender: who knows??? Kieth is pretty insistent on a girl..... I have no clue, but I am super anxious to find out :)
Movement: Movement is allot slower than in weeks past... there is a foot that often sweeps across my belly, it is really weird you can feel the heal.
Food/Drink Craving: hot chocolate ( the unprego Tori can't get enough of that though), cereal and oatmeal
Sleep: Sleep has been pretty much non existent. I have bags under my eyes... For about 3 weeks now I start having contractions in the afternoon and they last all through the night. And well lying down and contractions don't go together.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting our baby! Boy our girl? My chin or Kieth's? Hair or no hair? So much anticipation.... oh ya and you know I want to go into that nursery so bad!
Also I am looking forward to wearing clothes that fit.... I have gotten so large that Keith's close are the best fit for me....and I am ready to go back to the girl side of the closet.
Symptoms: I have felt pretty icky lately. I am swollen and having contractions. I am constantly exhausted and often have tummy aches. Contractions are picking up but no "true labor" contractions.
2 weeks ago I went the Dr. and was 1cm dilated and 70% effacement.
1 week ago I went and was a "roomy 1" almost 2 cm and only 70%.
I go this afternoon and am hoping for lots of progress.... please! We have tried all the natural ways to progress labor except drinking Castor oil, because the Dr. said not too....
2 weeks ago I went the Dr. and was 1cm dilated and 70% effacement.
1 week ago I went and was a "roomy 1" almost 2 cm and only 70%.
I go this afternoon and am hoping for lots of progress.... please! We have tried all the natural ways to progress labor except drinking Castor oil, because the Dr. said not too....
Hopefully the next post will be introducing our little one! But if not we will keep waiting :)
Oh Tori !!! Beautiful update! 70% and 2cm a whole week ago! I'm thinking today or tomorrow.... ;-))) God Bless you one and all!
ReplyDeleteI'm super excited for you! A Christmas baby!
AUGH!!! I can't wait to meet him/her! I am so excited for you guys to begin this new chapter! You will be amazing! : )