So as you can see... the bump has grown! Sometimes I really think.... is there really only one baby in there? this bump seems big enough for 2 or three. In the background of this pic you can see the beautiful living room of our new home.... my mom so graciously made curtains and worked super hard helping us decorate. She is awesome!
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 19 weeks
Fruit: The baby is the size of a large mango
Size: 10 inches long (head to toe).... so says the pregnancy book.
Baby changes: Our babies brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He/she weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to rump. His/her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. His/her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on hisscalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on his skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.
Best Moment this week: On Wednesday I felt like my normal perky self and had a blast working on the house with my mom and Keith. Oh and on Craigslist I found a lady who was selling a lot of maternity/work clothes... and they fit! This is huge.... it saved us so much money! Also people have been so generous giving us many baby things... this is such a blessing, we have wonderful friends and family!
Gender: boy? girl? everyone has there opinion but only God really knows....
Movement: Definitely felt some kicks and flips this week....
Food Craving: Nectarines, apples, and cranberry juice... lots of cranberry juice
What I miss: a good nights sleep
Sleep: having trouble getting to sleep, waking up quite often, and not being able to sleep at like 4 am because I am hungry.
What I am looking forward to: Wednesday we have an ultrasound!! Also seeing all my family at my cousin Adria's wedding Saturday.
Symptoms: Getting better... I have only gotten really sick once this whole week.... just maybe this is passing... if not it is worth it. God has taught me a ton through this sickness, and He will be my joy with or without sickness :)
Tori you look absolutely radiant!!!! - Dot
ReplyDeleteTori, thanks for sharing with us! Very exciting stuff!!! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness that baby bump is so FUN!!! I really hope to see you sometime soon. I am just so excited for you ... that is one lucky baby!