Keith asked me to start a blog months ago.....
So I have finished procrastinating.....
I hope you like!
I got this idea from a friend, and hope you enjoy!
Pregnancy Highlights:

I know you can't see much in this picture but I am definately experiencing the in-between stage! I can't wear my old clothes but when I try on maternity clothes they seem huge!
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Fruit:Yes our baby is the size of a small Peach
Size: He or she now weighs about 2.5 ounces and is roughly 3.5 inches in length
Baby changes: Our baby's teeth and vocal cords are forming.
Best Moment this week: Getting to tell Keith Happy Father's Day!
Gender: We hope to not find out until the big day! We will see if this last :)
Movement: not yet
Food Craving: Lemonade, fruit smoothies, and crab won-tons( I know weird)
What I miss: being able to wear my cute capri's
Sleep: well this non dreamer... has had vivid dreams all night long( I got to swim with whales one night)
What I am looking forward to: Going to the doctor on Monday and hearing our little ones heart beat again!
Symptoms: Feeling like throwing up..... but thanks to Zofram pills..... that is as bad as it gets..... Some crying where I normally wouldn't.
Great idea! I didn't post all the particulars on our blog, but that would have been great to remember it all. You're so cute! Can't wait to see pics of ultrasound and "Little Becker!"
ReplyDeleteKelly Heslip
I enjoyed reading your blog! Keep it up and we'll understand when baby Becker interrupts the flow : )
Ahh I love your baby bump! I really need to come visit you sometime this summer!