Keith asked me to start a blog months ago.....
So I have finished procrastinating.....
I hope you like!
I got this idea from a friend, and hope you enjoy!
Pregnancy Highlights:

I know you can't see much in this picture but I am definately experiencing the in-between stage! I can't wear my old clothes but when I try on maternity clothes they seem huge!
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Fruit:Yes our baby is the size of a small Peach
Size: He or she now weighs about 2.5 ounces and is roughly 3.5 inches in length
Baby changes: Our baby's teeth and vocal cords are forming.
Best Moment this week: Getting to tell Keith Happy Father's Day!
Gender: We hope to not find out until the big day! We will see if this last :)
Movement: not yet
Food Craving: Lemonade, fruit smoothies, and crab won-tons( I know weird)
What I miss: being able to wear my cute capri's
Sleep: well this non dreamer... has had vivid dreams all night long( I got to swim with whales one night)
What I am looking forward to: Going to the doctor on Monday and hearing our little ones heart beat again!
Symptoms: Feeling like throwing up..... but thanks to Zofram pills..... that is as bad as it gets..... Some crying where I normally wouldn't.