Well I can't believe it but .... Titus is six months old.... it is hard to believe ... this half a year has flown by! We went to the doctor today and Titus is 19lbs8oz and 27.5 inches long and well his head is huge too. We absolutely love our little chunk of a man. He has the happiest little spirit and is already all over the place.
So this past month there have been lost of first and lots of things Titus loves.

If you look closely.... you can see his first two bottom teeth. They are cute and super sharp!

We also had our first cereal. And it was a hit!

He also had his first water in a
sippy cup. It was weird I just handed him the cup and he knew exactly what to do with it.
This month we are starting baby food.
Titus is rolling all over the place and getting up on all fours and scooting backwards, but no crawling yet. Maybe next month?
Now on to the things he LOVES!

Cute and funny... Titus loves to suck that big toe.

He also loves cups. His favorite toy... a plastic Rudy's BBQ cup. If you have a cup watch out because Titus wants it.
He also loves all things water...

Bath time and the rubber ducky are very popular around here.

Oh and there is nothing better than the pool!

He loves books like his momma

and baseball like his dad.