In ways it seems like it has been a really long month, then in other ways things have flown by.
It is crazy how much you can learn about a baby in the first month. Baby Titus loves to be held, well not just held but snuggled. I call him my snuggle bug. Titus is a fighter. We went through blood sugar issues, feeding issues and now he has RSV. Through all of this, he has not been a whiny baby but a strong baby. He doesn't fuss even when feeling totally awful. He just lets you know very clearly when he needs something. The term don't wake the baby doesn't really apply in our house, because when Ty is sleepy, he sleeps and nothing is going to stop him. Ty looks like Keith. Even the way his forehead wrinkles. I think the cutest similarity is the space between his big toe and his other toes. Oh but it does look like just maybe Titus got something from his momma, blues eyes... but we will have to wait and see.
Keith as a baby

This month I have been reminded how much God cares for and delights in me. When Titus is sleeping so sweetly and I can't stop staring at his little face and smiling, these lyrics play in my head " you dance over me" I truly believe God does the same awwing at His children, and takes just as much pleasure from us. He "dances over us."
I have also been reminded of what a wonderful man God gave me. Keith is a great daddy. He is very intentional about being a dad. He won't miss a doctors appointment. We discuss how we are going to do everything. I love that the baby is not just my thing, but that it is ours. He has been very supportive and just plain fun to be around.

As a family we have been so blessed by others. We had wonderful friends come visit us at the hospital. Family has made the long trip to see Titus. The church family has so graciously provided meals for us. With all the little health issues so many have come along side us in prayer. With all these wonderful things my heart can't help but overflow with thanksgiving. We have been loved so well. This is why God designed community. This past month could have been really stressful on our family, but I can confidently say it was a time of blessing instead. So thank you to all the sweet friends and family out there that have loved us so well.
At this moment baby Titus is in a nasty battle with a respiratory virus called RSV. We are almost one week into it. It is supposed to last 2 weeks. It has been so hard to see my baby cough and struggle to breathe. Please continue to pray for his healing and wisdom for Keith and I. Hopefully at the 2 month update we won't even remember RSV.