Tuesday, September 27, 2011

7 and 8 months

That video is life around here. Crawling, jibber jabber, up and down and putting everything in his mouth. No, I don't let him eat paper! That funny fake laugh or fake cough sounding noise you here is what we call his happy noise. Whenever Keith gets home, Titus goes crazy making that happy noise. He sure loves his daddy!
 Here they are on our family vacation. Florida was beautiful, family was fun and time away was priceless.

Look at me! I love to stand :) Up and down, up and down and cruising all around. That's Titus' favorite game to play.

 The video below is of his cute little  giggle. Lately every new adventure brings on laughter. He is my little giggle box.
We love this little buddy. So thankful for the joy and life he brings.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Party at my crib!

This is Titus last night at 10pm. Yes that's right 10. His normal bed time is 8. But last night he didn't want to sleep. He wanted to play. So the awesome first time parents we are, we let him play. It was too cute.
This is Titus this morning.... after a 15 minute nap.... only 15 minutes???What? I'm dying here..... why don't you take 2 hr naps like every other 6 month old? I did let him play in his crib for 30 minutes before I got him out, realizing he is not going back to sleep.

This is Titus last night.He is having a blast... notice there are no toys... and dad is in the background saying "it's bedtime". But baby boy does not care, it's all party for him!

This is a stealth video taken by Keith a couple of weeks ago when Titus was partying in his crib.
We love this non-sleeply but happy little boy!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

6 Months! What?

Well I can't believe it but .... Titus is six months old.... it is hard to believe ... this half a year has flown by! We went to the doctor today and Titus is 19lbs8oz and 27.5 inches long and well his head is huge too. We absolutely love our little chunk of a man. He has the happiest little spirit and is already all over the place.
So this past month there have been lost of first and lots of things Titus loves.
If you look closely.... you can see his first two bottom teeth. They are cute and super sharp!
We also had our first cereal. And it was a hit!
He also had his first water in a sippy cup. It was weird I just handed him the cup and he knew exactly what to do with it.
This month we are starting baby food.
Titus is rolling all over the place and getting up on all fours and scooting backwards, but no crawling yet. Maybe next month?

Now on to the things he LOVES!
Cute and funny... Titus loves to suck that big toe.
He also loves cups. His favorite toy... a plastic Rudy's BBQ cup. If you have a cup watch out because Titus wants it.
He also loves all things water...
Bath time and the rubber ducky are very popular around here.
Oh and there is nothing better than the pool!
He loves books like his momma
and baseball like his dad.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 Months

Today Titus is five months old. Not much has changed in this past month. He is super fun. A very happy and smiley baby.

The biggest change is that he screams. He has found his voice box and LOVES to use it. All day everyday... if he's not sleeping he is screaming..

He can now sit up, but looses interest after about 10 seconds and does this....
Then he giggles... because like his daddy, he thinks falling is fun? Boys.

Speaking of Keith. Titus loves dad!
He now reaches and smiles for dad.
Titus and Luke are still in the process of becoming "buddies"

Titus sleeps when he is tired, and there is not much warning sometimes... he just passes out.

Like his first trip to the beach. He slept the whole time.
Here he is sitting like a big boy in the shopping cart! I love this, it makes my trip so much easier and he loves to smile at people and watch everything.

Oh yes... and let's not forget that this month.... Titus started sleeping through the night! Yeah!
Oh wait then he started rolling over in his sleep and waking up mad about 5 times a night.
Oh well so much for sleep.... maybe next month?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4 Month Adventures

This past month has been a busy and wonderful one. We had a weekend with family coming to visit us and see the wildflowers, we traveled all over for Easter weekend, we went to see family in Corsicana for a picture for MiMi in the bluebonnets, and we made a long trip to Oklahoma for GrandGrammie and GrandPaPa's 60th Wedding Anniversary. In the midst of all that craziness I lost my phone, and a ton of pictures and videos. I learned a lesson the hard way.... back up the videos and pics on your phone!
So here are the pictures that remain....or that I borrowed from other peoples facebook :)

This is the bluebonnet photo for MiMi. Look at all those beautiful grandkids, she is blessed!
This is Titus playing with his beautiful cousin Kaylee.
That's the whole fam on Easter. I had a great one of him smiling on my phone.... so sad.
Some more cousin love from Jordan Easter morning.
Titus and my Aunt Jan in Oklahoma.
These next pictures are all from my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary reception. It was an absolutely wonderful party. I am so glad we went, we saw so many family members, and celebrated a truly great love!
Titus with my mom's Aunt Polly and Aunt Ada. They were so excited to see Titus.
Titus and my mom's Aunt Iris. She loves babies!

Titus and PawPaw
Titus and my cousin Mary Katherine. I think he looks like he could be her child.
That's me giving my baby some kisses....mmm... he loves those kisses.

Developmentally Titus has gained some new skills this month.
He can now grasp toys.
He almost always sticks them straight in his mouth!

He also has fallen in love with his toes. He grabs his toes all the time.
I think this is so cute.
We have also gone swimming several times this month. He really likes it, and I love it because after swimming he is soooo tired.

Oh yes and he hasn't lost that cute laugh and chuckle.

Counting the blessings of this past month leaves me feeling overwhelmed with gratitude.
Grateful for so many things but mainly for the wonderful gift of family.
We love you and thank you for sharing your lives with us.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Titus is 3 Months Old!

eTuesday April 5th Titus turned 3 months old. It seems like he has been a part of our family for years. It's weird to think it has only been 3 months. He has changed so much, our family has changed so much, and in such a short period of time. Yet, it is has been such a natural process. Wow God has a beautiful design for life. It is so wonderful when you let Him write your story. Before I get carried away back to Titus...
So much has changed this last month!
He has lots of new skills.... he is rolling over, if you want to see it you can watch the last post.
He also now giggles. Keith discovered that he does this while playing "rough".

He loves to lock his knees and stand up.
Here he is standing up on Keith's lap watching his cousin Little Mark's baseball game. He was very intent on watching the game.

He now is tolerating "tummy time" and holds his head up very very high.
He also enjoys the exersaucer, I think that is what it is called. We got this from a neighbor for free!

The "bumbo" chair is also a new favorite.

Titus went to his first wedding this month. Here he is all dressed up. I have to say he is quite handsome.

If you can't tell, Titus has added much joy to our house!

He still has his moments, but don't we all?

And for those of you that love to hear babies talk ( like me ) here is a short video of one of his many gab sessions.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Roll Over....

So I probably should save this for the three month post.... but I just can't. Titus shocked me this morning when he rolled from his front to back. I thought surely it was a fluke thing... but oh no... he has been doing it all day. Look how cute he is! It is so fun to watch him grow and change.

Monday, March 7, 2011

2 Months

Saturday March 5th Titus was 2 months old. This is hard to believe. This past month has been very smooth and fun. He has started to gibber gabber and I absolutely love hearing those sweet little noises. For this post I have put up some short videos of his very cute new skills. You may not think they are special, but as his momma I am just amazed!

Titus now smiles often, this very big goofy smile. He even does it on command for Keith. Watch and see.

Remember that noise making giraffe from my last post? Well not only does it make him sleep... he also talks and dances to some of the music.

Isn't he cute and determined?
Last thing... he has started eating his hands... ALL the time! Any help on how to stop this? We already use a pacifier but he will spit it out and then stick in his hand.
We are so thankful for the joy this little one has brought into our life. I can't wait to see what these next months and years have in store!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Momma Now Knows (but didn't before)

So it's weird, I know, but I am now a mom. There a many wonderful friends and family who helped me transition into this stage of life with lots of advice. There are also many things I learned from friends blogs after they first had a baby. So I am here to do my share.... share the things I didn't know but quickly learned being a momma. If you are soon to be a mom, or one day hoping I hope this helps. Every baby and every family is different, but here is a piece of what I have learned so far.
Baby Essentials:
My Breast Friend
No it's not a typo.... that's what it is called. And for the amount of time I use this pillow a day I would say it's an appropriate name. When I came home from the hospital I had a boppy and well it didn't make things that much easier. Then I went to a lactation specialist and she made me try one of these... and well friends, it's a life saver! It makes breastfeeding so much simpler, and well more comfortable.

White Noise Maker
This little giraffe was given to us about two weeks after Titus was born. A friend from Keith's work said it would help with Ty not sleeping. This little giraffe makes different noises. The white sound noise calms babies and lulls them to sleep. Sometimes in the middle of the night Titus will wake up fussing and all I have to do is turn this guy on and Titus is sound asleep before we know it. I so wish we would have had this those first few nights!

The Magic Swaddle
This is it not on Titus.
This is my sweet boy all wrapped up.
So this thing really is magic. Keith is former army so he can swaddle and swaddle well, but our little boy had his arms out of those hospital blankets in no time, which means he was waking up in no time. So the magic swaddle totally keeps his arms inside most of the night. It is hard to explain how it works. If you want to know go to their website it has lots of really cool videos.

This momma has learned much much more... and will share in post to come!