This past month has been a busy and wonderful one. We had a weekend with family coming to visit us and see the wildflowers, we traveled all over for Easter weekend, we went to see family in Corsicana for a picture for MiMi in the bluebonnets, and we made a long trip to Oklahoma for GrandGrammie and GrandPaPa's 60th Wedding Anniversary. In the midst of all that craziness I lost my phone, and a ton of pictures and videos. I learned a lesson the hard way.... back up the videos and pics on your phone!So here are the pictures that remain....or that I borrowed from other peoples facebook :)

This is the bluebonnet photo for MiMi. Look at all those beautiful grandkids, she is blessed!

This is Titus playing with his beautiful cousin Kaylee.

That's the whole fam on Easter. I had a great one of him smiling on my phone.... so sad.

Some more cousin love from Jordan Easter morning.

Titus and my Aunt Jan in Oklahoma.
These next pictures are all from my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary reception. It was an absolutely wonderful party. I am so glad we went, we saw so many family members, and celebrated a truly great love!

Titus with my mom's Aunt Polly and Aunt Ada. They were so excited to see Titus.

Titus and my mom's Aunt Iris. She loves babies!

Titus and PawPaw

Titus and my cousin Mary Katherine. I think he looks like he could be her child.

That's me giving my baby some kisses....mmm... he loves those kisses.
Developmentally Titus has gained some new skills this month.
He can now grasp toys.

He almost always sticks them straight in his mouth!
He also has fallen in love with his toes. He grabs his toes all the time.

I think this is so cute.

We have also gone swimming several times this month. He really likes it, and I love it because after swimming he is soooo tired.
Oh yes and he hasn't lost that cute laugh and chuckle.
Counting the blessings of this past month leaves me feeling overwhelmed with gratitude.
Grateful for so many things but mainly for the wonderful gift of family.
We love you and thank you for sharing your lives with us.