Can you tell the baby has dropped?
Pregnancy Highlights for the Week:
How Far Along: 31 weeks
Fruit/Veggie: The weight of 4 oranges
Size: little over 16 inches, 3.5 pounds
Baby changes: Baby is heading into a growth spurt. He/she can turn his/her head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. Tatonka's moving a lot, too. From this week on, he/she will continue to gain around ½ pound a week until shortly before birth.
Due to increasing space constraints, his arms and legs stay drawn up close to the body now. Plus, he can now process information from all five senses. His lungs are the only system not fully mature.
Best Moment this week: Camping with my hubby and wonderful friends. There is nothing like campfire, stars, and fellowship.
Gender: So now that I walk around with an basketball for a belly, everyone makes a comment... like.... "oh I see your having a boy" or "it's a girl right?" it is crazy how many people claim to know the gender..... all I know is it is a baby and we are excited :)
Movement: This baby moves all the time. Sometimes it shakes my whole belly. Ask Ellen she saw it. I felt a knee/foot sweep across my stomach one day. What a crazy feeling.
Food/Drink Craving: I crave protein like chicken and more chicken..... I also have been really liking grapes. The food aversions have returned although not as severe.
Sleep: Pregnant people don't need it... they need to empty their bladder.
What I am looking forward to: My sweet friends from church are having a prayer shower next Sunday and I am very excited for that :) Plus my parent are coming to visit. Also Keith has been diligently working on hard wood floors for our house..they look great.. and we are both looking forward to this being finished!
Symptoms: So the morning/all day sickness has been trying to creep it's way back in... this is super annoying, but for now I am thankful for the weeks/days were I feel well. My body is obviously getting ready for something... I have had pain in the pelvic area, which is uncomfortable, mainly to walk, but this just means things are preparing, so says the Internet.... we will see what the doctor says Thursday.